Sunday, January 13, 2013

Losing Unwanted Pounds...I Hope

This is my husband making breakfast. My Nigerian apron adds a nice touch.

We’re on Day 3 of what’s called the Beyond Diet Edge 21 day program. Theoretically we can lose 21 pounds in 21 days. So far so good; I’m down three pounds! Wanna know what I love about this weight loss program? Everything is spelled out! I don’t have to think about meals or menus or the best way to exercise. It’s A-B-C ready – all organized in a ring binder. The meals are simple and quick to prepare. I feel so organized.

When we shopped for our first week, the cart kept filling up with produce. That sounds nice as far as nutrition goes, but it was the highest bill we’ve had in a while. Since the program is set for one, and some meals seem to be made for more than one, I’m hoping that some of this food is going to last into the second week.

Each day we’re supposed to eat five times. It can be a bit difficult, especially on Sundays. That’s today. My preacher husband didn't think he should step down from the pulpit to go grab his mid-morning snack. And leaving the sanctuary just for a snack didn’t seem like a very good idea for his wife to do, either. J

Also, since it’s Sunday, we didn’t get to exercise, but we should have time this evening.

Here’s a sample of a day’s menu/plan:

Week 1 / Day 1

7-8am: Breakfast Bake
10-11am: 1 oz Raw Almonds, Small Apple
1-2pm: Simple Side Salad with Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing topped with 4 oz of Cooked Chicken/Turkey/Fish
4-5pm: 1 cup Kale Chips with 2 Hard Boiled Eggs
7-8pm: Veggie Stew

Perform Warm-up first
A - Squat Push Press
A - Table Top
A - Bridge - Back on Ball
A - Push Up
A - Floor Dips or
A - Chair Dips
A - Side Crunch
A - Wall T's
A - Swiss Ball W's
A - Cobra on Swiss Ball
A - Planks

If you could have seen us trying these new (for us) exercises, I'm guessing you would have had a good laugh. Especially when we tried to balance on the gigantic exercise ball - a first for us. Let's hope it gets easier.
But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will 
rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with 
joy like calves let out to pasture. (Malachi 4:2)