Monday, May 7, 2012

Vertigo "Deficiency In" "Grain Free" "B12"

vertigo "deficient in"

vertigo "deficiency in"

vertigo "deficiency in" "grain free"

vertigo "deficiency in" "grain free" "b12"

These are the words and phrases I typed into the Google search field. This past weekend Gene and I BOTH began experiencing symptoms of vertigo! If it would have been just me, I would have first suspected a hormone imbalance. I’m already struggling with hot flashes anyway.

But BOTH of us?!

A couple of weeks ago we went grain-free. When Gene goes grain-free, his snoring decreases, sometimes disappearing all together. So we wondered if there are certain nutritional goodies in grain that we don’t get other ways.

The first couple of ideas that seemed worthy of reading about were deficiencies in magnesium or vitamin B12.

This vertigo thing isn’t new to us. Quite a few years ago this happened to me, and a doctor gave me an “exercise” to do something called Brandt-Daroff exercises. It’s a simple method of treating BPPV (benign positional vertigo), the most common cause of vertigo. If you’ve never experienced this…hmmm, well it’s as though your head is spinning, even though it’s not. The last time, several years ago (and this time), during the first round of the exercise, I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the “ride.” It reminds me of a crazy fair ride when you don’t know if you’re upside down or right side up. I was laying on the bed, yet feeling as though I might fall off if I don’t hang on.

And a year or so later, Gene had it too for the first time. He began the exercise and it soon left him, as it did me when I used it.

This is day two of exercising this vertigo away. The instruction sheet says to go through the process three times a day for two weeks. I didn’t spin as much this morning, so hopefully each day we’ll see improvement. The hard part is to remember to do it when we no longer have any dizzy feelings.

To church folks, if you come in this week and find us sitting up and laying down and sitting up and laying down on a pew, you’ll know what we’re doing. :)

So now to continue the search of what may be the reason for this, because I know there’s a reason. There’s a reason for every symptom, and it’s NEVER a drug deficiency, by the way. I thought I’d throw that in in an effort to promote healthy living. Drugs may relieve symptoms, but there’s a price to pay for every drug used, especially those long term medications. That price will show up one day, and then you’ll need meds for other symptoms until you have your typical, culturally acceptable and expected list of medications. That’s our culture. I choose to be counter-cultural. I’d love it if you’d join me.

Look now; I myself am he! There is no other god but me! I am the one who kills and gives life; I am the one who wounds and heals; no one can be rescued from my powerful hand! (Deuteronomy 32:39)

1 comment:

  1. My dad struggles with vertigo. He does exercises, too, and says they help quite a bit!


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