Saturday, August 14, 2010

Explaining Cayenne

Photo by "Grumpy Chris"

I suppose I should explain why I have 'Cayenne Pepper' in the title of my blog.

There are a number of foods that I use for healing, and healthy digestive purposes, and I like saying 'Cayenne Pepper' better than some of the other foods I use.

I could have put 'Food, Healing and Coconut Oil,' or 'Food, Healing and Turmeric'...both very powerful healing foods...

It was not long ago that I added cayenne to my almost-daily routine. I take it (eat it, swallow it, consume it) the same time as coconut oil. Coconut oil is powerful, I'm up to 1 1/2 Tbsp. a day. I had to start with one teaspoon, even that caused turmoil in my intestines. I must have had a lot of yeast and inflammation.

But back to cayenne. I put 1/4-1/2 tsp. on a large spoon, drizzle coconut oil over it until the spoon is full. I have a few swallows of orange juice handy. I take the spoonful like medicine, swallow it without breathing, then drink the juice. I don't even notice the coconut oil smell or taste. I barely notice the spicy cayenne. The first few times the spiciness seemed stronger. Evidently you get used to it.

People who like the taste of coconut have no trouble taking the oil straight. I abhor coconut foods, always have. But for healing purposes, it's become my friend. Back to cayenne again!

Why is cayenne so good for you? According to, "There are over 3000 scientific studies listed in the National Library of Medicine to support the use of cayenne in preventing and reversing many common health ailments."

The quality of the cayenne may be important. I've been purchasing mine at a local co-op in bulk form. I also purchased cayenne extract or oil when I had poison ivy and it did a great job of taking the itch out, while I waited for the poison ivy extract (rhus tox) to boost the healing.

Cayenne is good for internal and external issues.

Also from The following are just some of the conditions which cayenne may be used to treat: stops bleeding (internally or externally), allergies, arthritis, asthma, blood circulation problems, congestive heart failure, cancer prevention, heart disease, high bood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, obesity, osteoarthritis, colds and flus, constipation, hemorrhoids, and diabetes."

I haven't had a cold since I've been using this.

One doctor I read about on the Internet says he will administer cayenne to heart attack victims, and it revives them almost immediately. I think I saved some of the document I read, let me look...


"Dr. Christopher said, 'In 35 years of practice, and working with people and teaching, I have never, on house calls, lost one heart attack patient. The reason is, whenever I go in, if they are still breathing, I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water.) Usually, within minutes, they are up and around.'

"He says, 'I received an emergency call in the middle of the night. A woman in Salt Lake City had just suffered a severe heart attack and passed out. I rushed over and fed the woman hot cayenne tea. Within minutes, she was sitting up feeling fine. The hot cayenne tea is faster-acting than tablets, capsules or cold tea. The warm tea opens up the cell structure and makes it expand and accept the cayenne that much faster. It goes directly to the heart through the arterial system and feeds it a powerful food.'

“To show the value of cayenne – what a wonderful heart food it is, this story has been repeated in a number of publications. Doctors in the East put some live heart tissue into a sterile beaker filled with distilled water and fed it nothing but cayenne pepper. During the time they were feeding the heart tissue, they would have to trim it continually, every few days because it would grow so rapidly. Having no control glands (the pituitary and pineal glands), the heart tissue just continued to grow rapidly. They kept the tissue alive for 15 years. They eventually destroyed it so they could do more research on it. This shows the high food value cayenne gives to the heart.

“In most cases a weak heart is a malnourished heart. The heart hasn’t had a decent meal for so long that it is practically starved. We give the heart a good meal. We don’t whip it with nitroglycerin or digitalis or some other type of drug to force it to beat rapidly. We try to bring more food value to the heart so that it could find a little help to keep it going.”

"Cayenne brings the blood to the surface and starts the healing. The redness comes to the skin from blood that has rushed to the surface to assist carrying off wastes."

Cayenne is my friend. Actually, if you want to know something a bit personal, but funny, the first couple days after starting this, I could feel a slight burning sensation during my "morning constitution."

Healing with food...I wish more people were interested!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you."  -Matthew 9:22

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