Sunday, August 8, 2010

Getting Started

Photo by me

I thought I'd try my hand at blogging. I've been afraid to because I kept trying to figure out how to explain everything leading up until now. That was overwhelming to consider. So now, I'll just pick a thought, lay it out and wait till another day, another posting.

My name is Cindy. I'm 53. I live not-just-gluten-free. I started gluten free over ten years ago after a couple of really big clues came my way about what might be wrong with me. The first was going on the Atkins Diet for four weeks. Those first four weeks are completely gluten free - completely grain free. It was the first time in my life that my bowels worked the way they're supposed to. The second clue was a friend telling me about someone she knew who was diagnosed with celiac disease, and the symptoms involved with that. That conversation sent me to the Internet and I could not ignore what I learned.

I was never officially diagnosed, so I may or may not have celiac, but I definitely have a problem with gluten. I went gluten free, and a long list of symptoms cleared up. The most surprising was six months later when my mental fog just lifted away. I could go on and on how incredible that moment in time was.

I've been learning ever since. And I am now more than gluten free.

I became intrigued with using food to heal the first time I saw Gary Null on an infomercial many years ago. I've never read anything he wrote - I don't usually go for big hyped-up items. But the desire to heal with food was born that day. It just took me a while to get rolling with that desire.

I, like most people, whether they know it or not, deal with inflammation. Once I learned that, I began researching what to eat that deals with inflammation. It's a process, and things change and evolve.

Just recently I read, or scanned, the book "The Diet Cure" by Julia Ross. Yet another key to healing and living healthy. Because of that book, I began a little regimen of supplements that includes amino acids - keys to healing according to her. It was interesting that within the first day, my fatigue I've been experiencing lately went away.

Here are the supplements I noted while reading.

     pantothenic acid
     Vitamin C with bioflavonoids
     Vitamin E
     Fish/flax oil
     Complete essential amino acids

Some of these things I already take in the products I have. The least fun product to take that I purchased from is called EfaGold Hemp Protein & Fiber by Nature's Way. It's organic and has a long list of very impressive supplemental power - all from one ingredient, hemp seed. But it's a non-fun powder you stir into a drink. It works to put it in a smoothie, but I just put it in a little bit of orange juice, gulp it down (get it out of the way), and then have breakfast with tea.

I love tea.

O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me.  -Psalm 30:2

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