Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Menu, My Guideline

I think I’ve finally found something that may work for me, for a while anyway. Putting together that one-week menu (the previous blog) has kept me away from dessert foods all week. So I prepared for another week. 

For me this is SO cool! 

What works is I can schedule in some grains and the occasional dessert (and then look forward to it!), rather than as before, I would realize in hind-site that, ‘hey, we’re eating way too many grains and sugars and getting bigger guts.’

Due to some crazy moments on some days, we didn’t get to follow the first menu perfectly, but just like a budget, it’s a good guideline to work with even if you can’t stick with it exactly.

In case you’re interested here’s my next week’s menu, and if our Sunday guests visit this blog, you may want to scroll down to the bottom for the menu:

Breakfast – waffles, eggs and bacon (add chia in some form, maybe with a little blueberry dish on the side)
Lunch – hamburger, sweet potatoes and asparagus
Dinner – chicken breast & salad (Romaine, radish, jicama, avocado, cheese, seeds/nuts)
Evening Snack – fruit/yogurt

Breakfast – oatmeal, chia seeds, and fruit
Lunch – salad (bok choy, cucumber, red pepper, greens, chia, cheese)
Dinner – fish, red potatoes, red pepper, cucumber
Evening Snack – fruit/yogurt

Breakfast – skillet fry (eggs, bacon, onion, mushrooms, cheese)
Lunch – sirloin, cabbage, cauliflower, quinoa stir fry
Dinner – salmon, carrots/peas with butter, peach soup
Evening Snack – apples/peanut butter

Breakfast – Omelets and cheese
Lunch – chicken and lentils with biscuits
Dinner – lamb and brown rice curry
Evening Snack – cheese/nuts

Breakfast – smoothies (add chia seeds and egg yolks)
Lunch – salad (greens, cucumbers, cashews)
Dinner – chicken thighs and California blend

We’re having company for Sunday lunch and several in the group eat low carb. So I’ve decided to make:

-a roast or sirloin steaks)
-with mushroom sauce (on the side in case low-carb crew doesn’t want the arrowroot starch I use for thickening)
-mashed potatoes (for the carb eaters)
-mashed cauliflower
-a veggie tray of cucumber slices, red pepper slices and carrot sticks
-with artichoke/spinach dip
-gluten free angel food cake
-with chocolate/raw honey/butter sauce (for the carb eaters of course) (By Sunday I will have stayed away from desserts for two weeks…I’m really looking forward to that dessert. I hope there aren’t any leftovers.)
Now that this is posted online, it's highly likely the very things I will be serving.  :)

(Note to self: If you post it, you’ll likely do it.)

Happy, healthy eating to you!
O LORD my God, I cried to you for help, and you restored my health. (Psalm 30:2)

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