Friday, December 14, 2012

Nip it in the Bud - Right Away


Would you believe me if I told you that I have a very cheap, very easy way, to ward off a cold? It has worked 100% of the time for a few years now, for me and my husband, when we catch the cold in time.

I know…there are products marketed for that, some with good natural ingredients. But this is dirt cheap, and if you’ve never heard of it, will make absolutely no sense.

The only time it failed was one Wednesday last winter. I had just gotten to work and noticed that I was in the process of catching a cold. I thought, “RATS! I should run home and nip this in the bud.” But I chose to wait it out and take care of it in the evening. Twelve hours later I did my little treatment, and proceeded to suffer from a cold for a full seven days.

That was hopefully the last time.

So in my experience, it will not HEAL a cold, but based on my experiences, it most definitely will ward off a cold.

As I have struggled to increase my immunity, I would way-too-often feel the onset of a cold, so I would use this stuff often. It’s harmless, so I wasn’t worried about it. And it faithfully kept all cold activity at bay.

I’m now at a good place. I haven’t felt a cold coming on in some time, but I still use it occasionally, especially if I know I’ve been with someone who is sick.

Some websites will say it wards off colds AND flus.

I learned about it a number of years ago when I was suffering from a three-week stent of some pretty severe diarrhea. I’d reached a point of desperation and did some serious searching on the internet. I found this unusual information and started to implement it. It didn’t seem to help then, but whatever I had was full blown. For that problem, I found relief when I limited my food to homemade broth and bananas.

But the information I learned led me to prepare for the next time I felt a cold or flu coming on.

This is a far cry from my earlier days – childhood/young adult. Back then, when I’d catch something it would inevitably turn into an infection,
                                       which led me to a doctor,
                                                                   which led me to antibiotics.

Knowledge is power, and I now know how to manage colds and flus, or rather how to prevent them – which is better yet. My office and my home are equipped with this very simple arsenal of…

hydrogen peroxide.

Initially I was dripping it in my ear with a dropper. But if you have any damage at all on your eardrum it can feel painful. Besides it’s inconvenient.

Not only do I like cheap, I like simple.

As you can see in the photo, I saturate a cotton swab, insert it in the ear (PLEASE BE CAREFUL NOT TO INSERT TOO FAR!). I do both ears (never double dip), pitch the cotton swab, and go on my way. I usually feel the need to administer this for two or three days, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Is it nuts, wacko? Maybe. But it’s harmless and works like magic. I’m including a few links with additional information if you don’t want to take my word for it. And you never should. I have no initials after my name, I just do my own learning.

Be forewarned, that bacteria builds up in your ears, and peroxide fights bacteria. So the first time you use it, you may hear and feel the snap, crackle sounds that will likely go on. The first time I did it was quite wild. Now I barely notice it.

I’m convinced it’s safe for babies and children. My now-grown son wouldn’t have had all those bronchial infections if I’d known then what I know now.

Ready to try something different that’s not toxic to the system?

Peroxide Links:

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